Young, idealistic -- some of us had hoped to teach them to discount differences between genders, races... and maybe it worked. But the Ready for Hillary bunch with their emotional pull of "Hillary -- Because Vagina" resonates more strongly for some Boomers than for their daughters.
Taryn Hogarth, 22, a University of South Dakota student, said the history-making prospect of a woman president is a deciding factor for her mother but not her
She trusts Sanders more than Clinton to get money out of politics and reform the criminal justice system. Though Sanders has served in Congress since 1990, she still sees him as “a fresh face” who makes her “excited for our government.”
“I would love to have a woman president, but I’d like the right woman president,” she said. “I want this to be based on the ideas and what they’re going to do for our country.”
Apparently they LOVE his promise of free tuition and single payer healthcare and a pony for everybody but Bernie is unwilling or unable to explain how to pay for any of it despite gentle questions from Bill Maher .