Coincidence abounding -- I had a really good long chat on the phone with Judi and we were talking about movies. She and her sister Penny had just seen "Julia" and liked it. Judi mentioned particularly how the real Julia Child was so life-loving she would have liked to have known her. I had it in mind to say that it would be great if somebody would make a film about Harry and Bess Truman based on the wonderful book about Bess that was written by their daughter. Judi and I both read that book and loved it. But the conversation richocheted around, as our conversations do -- and somehow it never came around to that.
After we'd hung up I thought, "Dang. I forgot to mention the Harry and Bess Truman thing." I went right to email intending to write to Judi -- and there was an email from Deborah with some nice Harry Truman stuff -- and this seriously wonderful picture which I cannot look at without a cheek-rounding grin. Channeling Nancy Drew I deduced that this is a reproduction of an actual book cover.
Sure enough, there the book is on Amazon. And of course I ordered it, and if it's as good as I think it will be, I'll send it along to Judi and then to Deborah if she might want to read it also. Free shipping with Amazon -- can't beat that. You really can't.
Harry Truman is a hero to me and -- I say this with all sincerity -- I named one of my dogs Harry Truman in heartfelt tribute. I have been thinking of renaming Belle, my gorgeous Aussie shepherd, and calling her Bess, since it gets tiresome being asked again and again and again if she is named after the Disney princess.
I've been tempted to say she's named after Belle Cora, particularly after reading an essay by one Dr. Weirde titled "For Whom the Belle Toils" detailing the history behind the graveyard at San Francisco's Mission Dolores. Buried there are "the Gold Rush era's most notorious madam, Belle Cora, and her gambler lover, Charles Cora, whom she finally married two hours before his neck was stretched by the Vigilance Committee." This has absolutely nothing to do with Bess or Harry Truman.
I wanted to know something about the author (of the book I was talking about before) and came across a nice op-ed he wrote for the New York Times about President and Mrs. Truman's trip. The whole thing is below the break.