Headline, Breitbart: National Review Goes Full Snob, Attacks Trump Voters as Ignorant Bigots.
On Facebook someone asked with that undertone of Pauline Kael theatrical confusion -- like those who comment "smh" and "I can't even" as a kind of in-group virtue signaling -- if there are Trump votersOwho could explain to her Why Oh Why they like him. Some of the comments were side-splitting, by the way. One took issue with another who had mentioned that her Trumpian neighbors and relatives, are good people all. "But do they read anything? Understand the issues? Watch the news except for Faux?" (Not realizing, apparently, how 2014 that Fox News reference is.) I'd offer to take time from chewing tobaccy and boilin' up a mess of possum stew to join the discussion -- but... No way I believe the question wasn't a setup, a fat slow pitch there as a lead-in to head-shaking and pearl-clutching. Look at all the harrumphing after The Donald said he could shoot somebody on Fifth Avenue and wouldn't go lower in the polls. "He's making light of violence...terrifying" was one of the less stupid comments I saw.
I have not made up my mind and leave open the possibility of change, but in the rock-scissors-paper game that is the Republican nominating process Cruz beats Trump but Trump beats everybody else. Everybody else. In a heartbeat. And I am a news junkie. Do I give a crap when the establishment worthies with an R after their names helpfully point out that Trump has changed his position many times, when they moan that he is not actually a conservative on the issues? No. I do not care.
Democrats' principal appeal isn't to philosophical coherence: They tell their coalition that they'll take care of their own - the gays, the blacks, the feminists, the transitioning, the environmentalists, the Hispanics, the educators... This time round, a big chunk of the Republican base has figured it'd like someone who's looking out for them, too.
We knew Jeb was going to be pushed. We could feel the political elites' careless contempt for us and our concerns and I wonder that they could not feel our simmering discontent especially after the Tea Party. One school of thought has it that they knew but did not give a damn. Steyn: "All the Chumpy McDonorpants had to do was sit on their hands and not give 100 million bucks to another hereditary-class rich-boy stiff with no flair for retail politics who thinks that illegal immigration is "an act of love". But they couldn't help themselves. The Donor Class decided it would take its contempt for the rubes to the next level ...and now they're surprised that the rubes have decided to take it to the next level, too. They don't care when the insiders say that Trump isn't a "real Republican". To them, that's not a bug, it's a feature.
If the present polls hold up through Iowa and New Hampshire, it'd be the reconfiguration of Mr and Mrs Main Street America as just another interest group. So a philosophical commitment to free trade means less to them than the degeneration of mill and factory towns into wastelands of fast-food service jobs and heroin addiction. An abstract respect for religious pluralism means less to them than reducing the number of crazies running around whose last words before opening fire are "Allahu akbar!" A theoretical belief in private-sector health are means less to them than not getting stiffed by crappy five-figure health "insurance" that can be yanked out from under you at any moment under Byzantine rules and regulations that change 30 times a day. And bipartisan myth-making about "a nation of immigrants" means a whole lot less than another decade of Press One For English, flatlined wages, sanctuary cities and remorseless cultural transformation...
I want somebody who can talk without using mushy correct obfuscating terminology. I want a president who will find a way to secure our borders and not just talk about enforcing our laws, somebody who doesn't wilt at the first accusation of "racism" and sell our workers out for the benefit of Chamber of Commerce types who want that cheap labor. (If it weren't for Trump we most likely wouldn't even be talking about it now.) I want a president who can treat all people with respect. I want a president who can go eyeball to eyeball with an ayatollah and not look like an idiot in front of the whole world, a president who understands business and finance, and one who can get a grip on our debt. I want an alpha male president who would not dream of bowing to a foreign leader, someone who will take to heart his first duty which is to keep us secure to the best of his ability.
I want a president who loves the United States of America.
list from some guy in virginia