It seems that we are tripping over autistic kids lately, and we all wonder -- now that vaccinations have been exonerated -- if it's fast food, something in the air or water...
A study in England has found no evidence that autism is increasing at all, let alone in epidemic proportions. The sense of epidemic may be a result of vigorous diagnosis now -- many adults were found who had no idea they fell on the autism spectrum and when they were included there was no large group of young sufferers, as you would expect. Worth a look.
In fact, more and more research hints that some if not all of the increase in autism may be due to changes in how, and how often, the disorder is diagnosed. Kids who used to be classified as mentally retarded or just plain eccentric, for instance, might now get an autism-spectrum label instead.
"That simply means more people are coming forth and being recognized," Brugha told Reuters Health.